Sources from Lore 275

  1. Cawthorne, Nigel. Witches: The History of a Persecution (Arcturus Publishing, 2019).

  2. de Rolley, Thibaut Maus. “The English Afterlife of a French Magician: The Life and Death of Lewis Gaufredy.” In Seventeenth-Century Fiction: Text and Transmission, ed. Jacqueline Glomski and Isabelle Moreau (Oxford University Press, 2016).

  3. “Discover the great periods of the history of the Ursulines.” Ursulines of the Canadian Union. [n.d.]

  4. Evangelisti, Silvia. Nuns: A History of Convent Life, 1450-1700 (Oxford University Press, 2008).

  5. Ferber, Sarah. Demonic Possession and Exorcism in Early Modern France (Routledge, 2004).

  6. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology (Facts on File, 2009).

  7. Howitt, William. A Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations (Effingham Wilson, 1834).

  8. Klaits, Joseph. Servants of Satan: The Age of the Witch Hunts (Indiana University Press, 1985).

  9. Levack, Brian P. The Devil Within: Possession and Exorcism in the Christian West (Yale University Press, 2013).

  10. Levack, Brian P. (ed). The Witchcraft Sourcebook, second edition (Taylor & Francis, 2015).

  11. Luebke, David M. “Instruments of Judicial Torture.” 301 Modern Europe. [n.d.] 

  12. “Martha Brossier.” The New York Times. December 28, 1874. 

  13. Michelet, Jules, trans. L.J. Trotter. La Sorcèrie: The Witch of the Middle Ages (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1863).

  14. O’Reilly, Bernard. St. Angela Merici and the Ursulines (Pollard & Moss, 1880).

  15. Pearl, Jonathan L. The Crime of Crimes: Demonology and Politics in France, 1560-1620 (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006).

  16. Rosen, George. “Psychopathology in the Social Process: Dance Frenzies, Demonic Possession, Revival Movements and Similar so-called Psychic Epidemics. An Interpretation.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 36(1), January-February 1962: pp. 13-44. 

  17. Rossen, Jake. “A Devilish Hoax: The Fake Demonic Possession of Martha Brossier.” Mental Floss. August 19, 2022. 

  18. Sluhovsky, Moshe. Believe Not Every Spirit: Passion, Mysticism, & Discernment in Early Modern Catholicism (University of Chicago Press, 2007).

  19. “Ursuline.” Britannica. [n.d.] 

  20. Walker, Anita M., and Edmund H. Dickerman. “A Notorious Woman: Possession, Witchcraft and Sexuality in Seventeenth-Century Provence.” Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques 27(1), Spring 2001: pp. 1-26.

  21. Walker, Anita M., and Edmund H. Dickerman. “‘A Woman under the Influence’: A Case of Alleged Possession in Sixteenth-Century France.” The Sixteenth Century Journal 22(3), Autumn 1991: pp. 534-554.